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How It All Started?

Ego was opened in 1992 by 3 friends selling vintage and preloved clothing. Over the years Ego has evolved under the ownership and management of Sam who bought out her friends in 1997, since then she has introduced a large range of new and quirky clothing to run alongside the vintage.

On the ground floor is where you can find an eclectic mix of new clothes, accessories and steampunk hats. In the 2 upstairs rooms you can find rails full vintage clothing and accessories along with sale items.

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Where it's been...

Vintage has always been a passion of Sams but with its limited sizes she decided to branch out into new retro styled clothes so she could stock a more inclusive size range in her shop. Since then she has been able to provide outfits for occasions such as 1940's and 50's events mixing new and vintage hand picked pieces.

...where we are going

During Covid-19 Sam began to sell items through the Ego Facebook page and began to build an online presence and following which has lead us here with the introduction of our new Ego online shopping platform where you can find our best sellers.

P.s make sure you still pop into the shop as some sold out items on here may be available on the shop floor along with our vintage and rail only items as Sam our fashion loving owner buys wayyy too much stock to list everything online!

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